
  • The ISO is an independent, non-governmental group with 165 members representing the ISO in their respective countries
  • South Africa’s ISO member organisation is the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
  • However, DXS International is currently accredited through the UK’s ISO member: The British Standards Institute
  • The three ISO Standards to which we are accredited are:
    • ISO 20000: Service Management
    • ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management
    • ISO 27001: Information Security Management
  • For the purposes of ISO 20000: Service Management System, a ‘Service’ is defined as:
    • “A means of delivering value for the customer by facilitating outcomes the customer wants to achieve.”
    • Please note that “the customer” in the above definition could be internal, e.g. members of staff – or external, e.g. PoC Users
    • Examples of departments providing Service include: Content Development, Support, IT, Media, Training, Testing, and Deployment